Interaction with Rookmangud Katawal - Kapilvastu
Venue: District Development Commitee, Taulihawa, Kapilvastu, Nepal
29 Dec 2014

Venue: District Development Commitee, Taulihawa, Kapilvastu, Nepal
29 Dec 2014
लेखक रुकमाङ्गद कटवालको आत्मकथा विषयमा अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रम
कार्यक्रम स्थल : जिल्ला विकास समितिको कार्यालय, तौलिहवा, कपिलवस्तु
Author Rookmangud Katawal interacted with the locals of Taulihawa and surrounding, and talked about his book.