A People War - Photo Exhibition - Dang
Venue: Ghorahi, Dang
10 Feb 2008 - 11 Feb 2008

Venue: Ghorahi, Dang
10 Feb 2008 - 11 Feb 2008
A two-day exhibition of conflict photographs ended on monday in Ghorahi after being viewed by thousands of people including local leaders of the seven parties, civil servants, students and citizens.
The exhibition tour arrived in Ghorahi from Surkhet after traveling through the farwest region of Mahendranagar and Dadeldhura. The exhibition is touring the country and contains 70 of the images taken by photographers from all over the country which are included in the nepa-laya book, A People War envisioned by Kunda Dixit.
“War came so close to the people of Dang and people here relate to the pictures more then elsewhere," said K. B Masal, FNJ district president of Dang, “We see the overwhelming participation of people at the exhibition because people in Dang have been through the pain of war.” "More than 8000 people visited the two day exhibition in Dang" Masal said.
The exhibition tour has so far been to 26 venues across the country and will travel next to Syangja, Baglung, Beni, Besisahar, Gorkha before ending in Kathmandu on 1 March.
Most of the viewers were of the opinion that the exhibition in Dang should be put up for longer period so that people from far flung areas could come to see it.
“I felt that me and my village were the only ones who suffered because of the war but after seeing the exhibition, I realized that the whole country had seen a similar fate" said a sixth grader Sangita Bhattarai. " It has somehow eased my pain" She said.