A People War - Photo Exhibition - Kathmandu - Day 2
Venue: Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal, Kathmandu
01 Mar 2008

Venue: Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal, Kathmandu
01 Mar 2008
Updated March 2, 2008, 10:48 AM
A People War photo exhibition in Kathmandu concluded on March 1, 2008after being held for two days. US Ambassador Nancy Powell, Indian Ambassador Shiva Shanker Mukharjee and UNMIN Chief Ian Martin and members of the interim parliament observed the exhibition. A large number of general public, students and artistes also visited.
The exhibition contained 70 photographs from Nepa~laya's bi-lingual picture book A People War, envisioned by Kunda Dixit. After the completion of its third phase, It has become the most widely exhibited and watched exhibition. It has been held in 30 places of the country and more than 300000 thousand people have watched it till date.
The aim of these exhibitions is to build a constituency for long-term peace in the country which has suffered a lot during 10 years of war in terms of loss of human and material cost. Common reactions of the visitors in all the places confirmed that people wished it should not happen again.
Kunda Dixit presented the viewer's response in the closing ceremony. Five minutes footage of A People War documentary was also shown.