A People War - Photo Exhibition - Mahendranagar
Venue: Mahendranagar
01 Feb 2008 - 02 Feb 2008

Venue: Mahendranagar
01 Feb 2008 - 02 Feb 2008
More than 7,000 people in the far-western town of Mahendranagar turned up on Friday and Saturday for the photo exhibition, 'A People War'.
The exhibition tour arrived in Kanchanpur after traversing Nepal from east to west with 70 photographs from nepa-laya's picture book, 'A People War'. The book is a collection of images by 75 photographers from Nepal and abroad.
The tour is currently on its third phase which will also take it to Dadeldhura, Surkhet, Ghorahi(Dang), Syangja, Baglung, Beni, Besisahar, Gorkha and Kathmandu throughout February.
As elsewhere, citizens of Kanchanpur showed up in overwhelming numbers and looked visibly moved after seeing the photographs.
"Why are you showing us these pictures?" asked one visitor from Bajura, "show them to Gyanendra, Girija and Prachanda."
Others said Nepal had seen enough of conflict and brutality depicted in the pictures. "The current violence in the eastern tarai is proof that violence doesn't solve anything but makes the situation worse," said another visitor.